Rhett Palmer Talk Host

The David Hunter Perspective - 2024-07-31

Rhett Palmer

1)Israel-Turkey Relations Hitting Rock Bottom?: Last week, the Foreign Minister of Israel, Mr. Katz, threatened Turkey's President Erdogan with being like Saddam Hussain of Iraq, who was overthrown and executed by the US and it's allies. Just before, Mr. Erdogan said it's time for Turkey to invade Israel to stop the slaughter in Gaza. What's going on?

2)How Will Israel Respond to Alleged Hezbollah Rocket Attack in Golan Heights?: Last week, a rocket struck a children's playground in the Israel-occupied Golan Heights, killing 12 children. But those killed were Syrian Druze Arabs, ---not Israeli citizen Jews. Nevertheless, Israel is now threatening a massive response against Hezbollah. Will this lead to all out war?

3)Was Netanyahu's Speech to Joint Session of US Congress A Success?: Last Wednesday, Prime Minister Netanyahu delivered a one hour speech to the assembled Joint Session of Congress. How was his address received? Did he say anything new?